Form the Pastor – March 2012

Throughout the dismal history of man the Church has frequently experienced
periods of spiritual decline. But by God’s undeserved mercy those dark
intervals were periodically followed by times of powerful spiritual renewal.
Again and again God’s Church has shined forth as a brilliant light
is a dark place.
History vividly records these life changing “revivals of religion”.
Each was marked by differences in scope and intensity. But the
evidence of a genuine work of God must be measured by the similarity of its
effect on individual lives to that of the Presence and power manifested in
the early centuries of the Church and the holy dedication of its martyr
spirited members. Again the Church was never perfect, but the documented
spiritual and moral transformative results of the Presence and power stand
Historically when God has been pleased to send a supernatural
visitation, the first effect was that the hearts and minds of His people
found new life and delight in the beauty and perfections of Christ, then the
saving love of God came with power upon the hearts of the lost. “The Lord
added to the Church daily such as should be saved”.
During the Great Awakening in New England the 1730’s, Jonathan
Edwards wrote:

“Those amongst us who had been formerly converted, were greatly
enlivened, and renewed with fresh and extraordinary incomes of the Spirit of

“God’s work has also appeared very extra-ordinary in the degrees oh
His influences; in the degrees both of awakening and conviction, and also
saving light, love, and joy, that many have experienced. It has also
been very extra-ordinary in the extent of it and its being so swiftly
propagated from town to town.”

“And the work of conversion was carried on in a most astonishing
manner and increased more and more; souls did as it were come by
flocks to Jesus Christ. From day to day, for many months together,
might be seen evident instances of sinners brought out of darkness into
marvelous light and delivered out of a horrible pit. and set upon a rock,
with a new song of praise in their mouths.”

“When God in so remarkable a manner took the work into His own
hands, there was so much done in a day or two as at ordinary times,
with all endeavors that men can use, and with such a blessing as we
commonly have, is done in a year.”

Historical documentation is clear, abundant and undeniable. The
results were as real and spectacular as when Jesus walked this earth. In
fact it was nothing less than His blessed Presence here again in the Spirit.
The ministry of intercessory prayer is a pivotal element in man’s
God-given dominion over this world. It is a key part of his responsibility
and an inestimable privilege, to become one of those whom God uses to pray
down the life giving, sin destroying Presence and power of His Spirit.
Throughout history holy intercessors have been used to release that one
unstoppable force, the single spiritual anti-virus, which alone can turn
back the surge and scourge of evil. God declares it to be a matter of life
and death.

“I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and
stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy
it: but I found no one”.Ezekiel 22:30 NASB

“And He saw that there was no man, and was astonished that there was
no intercessor. and He put on the garments of vengeance for
clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak. According to their deeds
He will repay.” Isaiah 59:16-18

The believer’s willingness is the basic qualification for becoming a
prayer warrior. Intellect, education, gifts and talents, length of time as a
Christian, are all inconsequential. It is strictly a matter of the heart’s
desire for full surrender to God’s highest calling.
Every true child of God has the potential, and if willing may begin
immediately, to become an intercessor, and join that holy, (and in most
cases hidden) fellowship of spiritual warriors who have contributed more to
the survival and salvation of civilization that most preachers, politicians
and diplomats together.

“The times are too tragic, God’s sorrow is too great, man’s night is
too dark, the cross is too glorious for us to live as we have lived, in
anything short of holy obedience”.

Tomas Kelly

From the forth-coming book “Third Millennium Antivirus” by Pastor John.