From the pastor – June 2013

Before truth fell in the street and words still meant what they meant, dogma
and dogmatics were seen as honorable terms, defined in the 1948 edition of
The American College Dictionary (page 357) as:

“The arrangement and statement of religious doctrines, especially
the doctrines received in and taught by the Christian Church; doctrinal

But in the 2003 edition of the Oxford Compact English Dictionary, (page 321)
in keeping with modern cultural relativism, a secularized, less positive
definition is provided. Dogma has now become:

“An inflexible principle or set of principles laid down by an

Dogmatic now means:

“Firmly asserting personal opinion.”

Since words express ideas, and ideas reveal the spirit of the age, what used
to be accepted as “doctrinal theology” is now redefined as “personal
opinion.” This exposes the all too prevalent current underlying rejection of
any authoritative, not to say Spirit inspired, account of an objective
historical revelation and Divine self-disclosure.

“When the dogmatic principle in religion is slighted, religion goes
along for awhile on generalized emotion and ethical intention. and then
loses the force of its impulse, even the essence of its being.”  – Lionel Trilling

And inevitably, the original New Testament Gospel and any notion of “the
simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ” is displaced by a spirit of
unbelief, resulting in a wholesale adoption of current culture’s
“politically correct” values and agenda. When the Spirit of truth is
displaced and the spirit of the age embraced it can mean only one thing:
spiritual death. 2 Corinthians 11:1-3, NASB

Today ideas are being skillfully communicated in ways beyond the imagination
of our forbearers. The powerfully efficient communication of compelling
commercial messages to consumers has become a multi-billion dollar business.

Neither is there a genre of entertainment which does not convey, and thereby
promote and reinforce, values based on some form of the current, widely
accepted, naturalistic-humanistic world-view.

There is a very real “spirit of the age”, and it spreads, virus-like, with
ever-increasing power and influence. The minds and hearts of unbelievers,
(and believers not experiencing the Presence and power of Christ), are
especially vulnerable.

The infecting agents sometimes come merely in the form of distracting ideas,
but more often they are deadly: subtly, skillfully and beautifully
presented; impacting the senses and emotions with all the power of artistic
excellence and/or impressive, high-sounding, specialized language.

These finely borne messages may even be logical and compelling, but all the
while based on presuppositions that are in fact unproved, unprovable and
often patently false.

But truth is eternal, and it has been clearly revealed to those who desire
it whatever the cost. Those who have experienced repentance, and faith in
the person of Jesus Christ, and live fully surrendered to His indwelling
Spirit of Truth have the promise that, ultimately, the powers of hell itself
will not prevail against His people, the true Church; “the pillar and ground
of the truth.”  Matthew 16:18, 1 Timothy 3:15

(From Pastor John’s book – Third Millennium Antivirus)